Suzanne Cook, M.S.

Suzanne Cook, M.S.

Suzanne Cook, M.S.

Teaching Professor of French
Languages & Cultures
DWIR 257


Suzanne Cook (she/her) is a Senior Instructor of French in the Department of Languages and Cultures. She is a native speaker of French and English and a 20-year veteran of the US Air Force. She brings a varied background to the department faculty with a B.A. in Industrial Engineering from Auburn University, an M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California, and doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota in Second Languages and Cultures Education. She served as Chief of the Franco-German Division at the US Air Force Academy before joining our department. At UCCS, her teaching interests include contemporary French and francophone cultures, variations of the French language, professional French, sustainable development in the French-speaking world, the French military and political system, French American relations, as well as second languages and cultures education and sustainability education. She is also the Faculty Advisor to the French Club and Pi Delta Phi, National French Honor Society. She is Chair of the Dean’s Instructor Review Committee, elected LAS representative to Faculty Assembly, a member of the UCCS Sustainability Committee, and a member of the CU System Privilege and Tenure Committee and System EPUS Committee.