- Program Delivery
- Total Credits
- 18 Credits
About the Program
As one of the key languages of international diplomatic communication, literary creativity and artistic achievement, French is a practical and useful language for career, personal and professional travel, and general cultural enrichment.
Principal Instructor Suzanne Cook is the French Program Coordinator, you can email her at scook2@uccs.edu.
Focus of Study
The minor in French requires a total of 18 credit hours beyond FR 1020 - Beginning French II.
Program Requirements
Please visit the Admissions website to learn how to apply to UCCS.
Program Coursework
General Requirements
18 credit hours beyond FR 1020 - Beginning French II, 9 of which must be upper-division (3000+ level).
All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.
Course Requirements
Complete two of the following conversation and composition courses.
- FR 3000 - Advanced French Grammar
- FR 3010 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
- FR 3020 - French Conversation and Composition II
- FR 3050 - Professional French
- FR 3070 - Sustainable Development in the Francophone World
Complete two of the following literature/culture/film-based courses
- FR 3110 - Main Currents of French Literature I
- FR 3120 - Main Currents in French Literature II
- FR 3240 - French Culture from 1700-1917
- FR 3250 - Contemporary France: Civilization & Culture
- FR 3270 - Francophone Cultures
- FR 3500 - Special Topics in French
- FR 4110 - French Film
Complete 6 credit hours of elective French courses numbered 2110 and higher.