- Program Delivery
- On Campus
- Total Credits
- 18 Credits
About the Program
The minor in German requires a total of 18 credit hours beyond GER 1020 - Beginning German II. Principal Instructor Andrea Brehm is the German Program Coordinator, you can email her at abrehm@uccs.edu.
Focus of Study
German is the language of five countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. A "sister language" to English, it has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union (EU) and is the second-most spoken language in all of Europe. Germany, one of the major industrialized nations, is referred to as the economic and technological powerhouse of the European Union. Reunified in 1990 after 45 years of division, it ranks as the third-largest trading partner of the USA. The German Minor will complement any major, from the Humanities and the Sciences to Engineering and Business. You can also create an Interdisciplinary Studies Major with German as one area of two or three concentrations.
Program Requirements
Please visit the Admissions website to learn how to apply to UCCS.<
Program Coursework
Course Requirements (18 Credit Hours)
Two of the following language-based courses:
- GER 3010 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
- GER 3020 - Advanced Conversation and Composition II
- GER 3050 - Professional German
- GER 3070 - German Topics in Sustainable Development
Two of the following literature/culture/film-based courses:
- GER 3160 - 20th Century German/Austrian Literature
- GER 3170 - 19th Century German/Austrian Literature
- GER 3180 - German/Austrian Civilization and Culture from 1700-1918
- GER 3190 - 20th and 21st Century German and Austrian Civilization and Culture
- GER 3400 - Hollywood's Germany: The German and Austrian Image in American Film
- GER 3450 - German Film
- GER 3500 - Special Topics in German/Austrian Studies
- GER 3850 - Austrian and Central European Film
Six credit hours are chosen from any GER courses 2110 and above.