Upcoming Courses
ASL 1010 - American Sign Language I
This is the first in a related series of courses that focus on the use and study of American Sign Language (ASL), the language that is widely used by Deaf Americans. This course includes basic ASL vocabulary, grammatical structures, and in-depth cultural awareness. Non-manual behavior, ASL structure, and fluency are included to challenge students' ability to increase expressive and receptive skills in ASL. Students are introduced to the cultural values, beliefs, and behavioral norms shared by those within the Deaf community.
For more information please contact iwilding@uccs.edu.
CHIN 1010- Beginning Chinese I
Introduces modern Chinese (Mandarin), developing all four skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and communicative strategies. Students learn traditional full-form characters and the principles for converting them into simplified characters. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures.
For more information please contact yyang@uccs.edu.
FR 3050 - Professional French
In FR 3050, Professional French students learn to communicate in French in a variety of professional and cultural contexts. This may include applied business correspondence, marketing and accounting terminologies, other forms of professional correspondence, bureaucratic forms and contacts as well as study and application of cultural practices in professional settings. Prerequisite of FR 2120.
For more information please contact scook2@uccs.edu.
GER 1020 - Beginning German II
Essentials of German continued. Additional oral-aural skills practice with increased grammar, reading, and writing. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore- Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. Prer., GER 1010 or equivalent.
For more information please contact abrehm@uccs.edu.
JPNS 1010 - Beginning Japanese I
Skills in listening to and speaking Japanese. Emphasis on useful expressions with cultural orientation. Hiragana and Katakana. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures.
For more information please contact mwebste2@uccs.edu.
KREN - 2110 Intermediate Korean I (Hybrid)
This is the first half of the two-term sequence in Intermediate Korean (KREN 2110 / 2120). It is designed for students who have taken Beginning Korean 2 or the equivalent, or for students who have a certain level of proficiency to be able to take Intermediate Korean 1. This course emphasizes the development of four basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in various socio-cultural contexts. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. Prer., KREN 1020 or instructor approval (based on lang. placement test and interview).
For more information please contact sdyer2@uccs.edu.
SPAN 2111 - Professional Span II - Intermediate Spanish for Professionals (Online)
This course is designed for students and professionals with some previous Spanish language background who want to use Spanish in a professional setting, as well as anyone wanting to travel or study in a Spanish-speaking country. The language and culture topics focus on practical situations that will lead to a A2 or B1 level certification and allow a student or professional to thrive in a Spanish-speaking environment. Students who intend to register for this class must have completed beginning Spanish classes 1 and 2. Prer., SPAN 1020 or equivalent.
For more information contact ecota@uccs.edu.