Japanese Language and Culture Minor
Benefits of Learning Japanese
As the world’s third largest economy by GDP, Japan exports many innovative products from technological equipment and automobiles to trendy cultural products such as anime, video games, and special cuisines. Learning Japanese will dramatically help you expand your business opportunities, especially if you pursue a career in the technology sector.
Japanese Language and Culture Minor
The Minor in Japanese Language and Culture is a minor within the Department of Languages and Cultures which allows a minimum of required elective hours to be fulfilled through coursework in the related departments of Visual and Performing Arts and History. A minimum of 18 credits are required beyond the beginning language level for a minor in Japanese Language and Culture. Six upper-division credits in Japanese Language and Literature are required; the remaining credits may be chosen from the list of approved courses for the minor, at least three of which must be upper division. Intermediate Japanese I and II (JPNS 2110 and 2120) are prerequisites to the required upper division Japanese courses and may count toward the minor.
Course Requirements (18 Credit Hours)
- JPNS 3000 - Advanced Japanese I
- JPNS 3010 - Advanced Japanese II
- AH 3450 - Art of Japan
- HIST 1140 - Asian History: Japan
- HIST 4750 - Modern Japan
- HIST 4760 - Shoguns, Samurai and Sepukku
- JPNS 2110 - Intermediate Japanese I
- JPNS 2120 - Intermediate Japanese II
- JPNS 3200 - Japanese Culture and Civilization
- FCS 3890 - Field Studies in Language and Culture
- FCS 3990 - Topics in Foreign Culture
- FILM 3900 - Special Topics in Film Studies
- THTR 3900 - Special Topics in World Theater
For more Information: http://catalog.uccs.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=11&poid=1963&hl=%22languages+and+cultures%22&returnto=search